

    Bigg Boss Telugu Season 2 Geetha To Nominate Kaushal for Eliminations For Entire Season!! Kaushal

    Bigg Boss Telugu Season 2

    Bigg Boss Telugu Season 2 :  Geetha To Nominate Kaushal for Eliminations For Entire Season!!

    Geetha Madhuri is one of the strong contestants in the   Bigg Boss Telugu Season 2 tv show. Geetha is playing the game well and is giving a tough competition for Kaushal. In the current task murderer-detective, Geetha became the murderer and she completed all the secret tasks successfully. As part of this, Geetha will get a benefit of eliminating one housemate for the entire season.

    After the end of the yesterday's episode on 29th August in BIGG BOSS HOUSE , a promo was played where Bigg Boss is seen asking to reveal the name of the housemate whom she wants to be in the nominations zone for the entire season. As expected, Geetha Madhuri revealed the name of Kaushal.

    Kaushal bigg Boss 2 Telugu

    With this, Kaushal will be directly nominated in the nominations for the entire BIG BOSS TELUGU SEASON . We have to wait and see how Kaushal fans are going to receive this. And Kaushal army. Until wait and see.

    This article is about Geetha To Nominate Kaushal for Eliminations For Entire Season!! In BIGG BOSS TELUGU SEASON 2. Don't forgot to share and comment below.

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