

    Bigg Boss 3 Telugu elimination: Rohini's shocking exit from Nagarjuna's show makes Shiva Jyothi emotional

    Bigg Boss 3 Telugu elimination: Rohin

    While until yesterday majority of the viewers of Bigg Boss Telugu 3 were guessing that either Sreemukhi or Baba Bhaskar will get eliminated from the show this week, Rohini happened to get the least number of votes and left the show last night. Yes, Rohini was not even nominated by the contestants during this week's nomination process. She was in fact nominated by Bigg Boss as a punishment for discussing the nominations with co-contestants and eventuallybreaking the norm of the house. So her eviction was definitely a shocker not just for her and the viewers but also other housemates.
    Shiva Jyothi, who was really close to Rohini, couldn't hold back her tears while bidding goodbye to Rohini. Perhaps, her eviction is a lesson to everyone inside the house on not breaking any norm orelse you never know when one will forcibly get nominated and eventually leave the house by getting the least number of votes. Others who were nominated in the fourth week included - Shiva Jyothi, Varun Sandesh, Ravi, Baba Bhaskar, Rahul and Sreemukhi.

    Bigg Boss 3 Telugu 18th August Sunday Episode 

    Meanwhile, the Sunday episode began with a fun courtroom set-up with Varun being the judge. The contestants had to basically step up in twos and present a case. While one housemate played the role of a lawyer, others played the role of a defense attorney. It was quite interesting to see the arguments produced by each of the contestants while reasoning who should get eliminated from the house

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