

    Bigg boss 2 telugu winner Kaushal makes sensational comments on Bigg Boss

    Bigg boss telugu season 2 winner Kaushal makes sensational comments on Bigg Boss

    Bigg boss 2 telugu winner Kaushal makes sensational comments

    Bigg boss 2 telugu winner Kaushal makes sensational comments on Bigg Boss

    Bigg Boss Telugu season 2 title winner, Kaushal Manda made some sensational comments about the  bigg boss telugu season 2 show.

    During his live Facebook stream, Kaushal said that he was approached by a few representatives of the Guinness World Records.

    The representatives of the Guinness book Records  approached me recently. They stated I had won the highest number of votes in the history of Television reality shows. I came to know that a genuine follow up can determine the exact margin by which I won. The process has already been kick-started by the committee and we can expect the results soon, said Kaushal.

    We have been hearing that Kaushal won the highest number of votes and lead his competitor, Geetha Madhuri by cores of votes. He enjoyed an earth-staggering following from his followers, who call themselves the Kaushal Army.

    Kaushal’s craze is at its peaks currently and a recent photo of Kaushal at a mall launch event is proving the same. Boy did his popularity grow beyond leaps and bounds.

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    Bigg boss 2 telugu winner Kaushal makes sensational comments

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